Our Expertise Team
Prof. Dr. Dr. med. Dr. h. c. Manfred Zehender
Medical Director
Andreas Spaetgens
Executive Director
Prof. Dr. med. Peter Huppert
Head Physician Radiology
Prof. Dr. med. Alisan Kahraman
Head Physician Gastroenterology, Internal Medicine, Hepatology, Infectiology
Dr. med. Ralf Goldschmidt
Head Physician Rheumatology, Internal Medicine, Nephrology, Emergency Medicine, Anaesthesiology
Prof. Dr. med. Timo Heidt
Head Physician Cardiology
Gabriele Reuter
Head of Psychosomatic Medicine
Dr. rer. nat. Peter Maurer
Head Physician Internal Medicine, Dipl.-Chemistry
Dr. med. Heino Lisker
Head of Psychosomatic Medicine
Dr. med. Christian Nagel
Consultant Pneumology
Dr. med. Timo Paulus
Head Physician Internal Medicine
Prof. Dr. med. Stephan Kruck
Consultant Urology
Dr. med. Christoph Müller
Consultant Neurology
Dr. med. René Malzkorn
Senior Physician of Orthopedics
Prof. Dr. med. Clemens Unger
Senior Physician of Oncology
Dr. med. Gabriele Lindner-Wesel
Consultant Gynecology
Dr. med. Günter Weissmann
Specialist in Internal Medicine
Holger von Kügelgen
Internal Medicine
Dr. med. Hartmut Friedburg
Radiology specialist
Dr. med. Christopher Remy
Specialist in radiology and neuroradiology
Dr. med. dent. S. Marcus Beschnidt
Consultant Dentistry
Dr. med. Sophie Schäfer
Senior physician Cardiology
Dr. med. Oliver Barsom
Consultant Dermatology
The examinations take place in Baden-Baden. -
Dr. med. Felix Schaumann
Senior physician Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Emergency Medicine
Vanessa Wilkins
Hotelmanager, Head of Marketing & Sales
Juliette Szymaszek
Head of International Business Development
Anja Rautenberg
Head of Nutritional Advice, Dietary Assistant
Matthias Zehnle
Head of Physiotherapy
Gabriel Tomic
Sport Therapist
Dipl.-Psych. Till Nickert
Senior Psychologist, Psychological Psychotherapist
Vera Schönith-Vetter
Occupational Therapist
Sabine Krannich
Art Therapist
Olga Schacht
Music Therapist
Helene Hirsch
Patient Management
Julia Reh
Head of International Department
Dipl.-Psych. Strahinja Ikonic
Psychological Psychotherapist
Dipl.-Psych. Tobias Fabian-Krause
Psychological Psychotherapist
Lisa Graf
Body and Sport Therapist
Dr. rer. nat. Beate Kajda
Senior Psychologist, Psychological Psychotherapist
Kerstin Willmann
Head of Medical Services
Silke Steimel
Manager laboratory
Heike Gallas
Team leader diagnostics
Fabian Bechtold
Head of Engineering
Alisa Flaig
Physician Assistant
Anja Oreb
Dual student of medical assistance
Jolanta Pospiech
Arne Lehmann
Alexander Bernhard
Chef de cuisine
Anke Faller
Team leader Radiology
Stefanie Bulling
Restaurant Manager
Nina Eckerle
Head of Finance
Anke Brüderle
Head of Human Resources
Nicole Eckmann
Human Resources